When SIMATIC Logon is installed, password protection can be activated for any project. A
SCOUT project saved with SIMATIC Logon can only be opened and edited with password
● When a project that has been password protected with SIMATIC Logon is opened in
SIMOTION SCOUT, the access dialog in which the project password must be entered
appears. The project so can be opened only with the correct password.
If an incorrect password is entered, an error message appears and the project remains
● Passwords are assigned in a separate administrator screen using a process configured
according to the guidelines according to FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
● Every file open and every change is automatically recorded in a revision log.
● SCOUT projects created with SIMATIC Logon can be archived, managed and their changes
tracked in a clearly organized fashion using the SIMATIC Version Trail option.
Activate SIMATIC logon
When SIMATIC Logon is installed, password protection can be activated for any project.
To do this, select Options > Access Protection > Activate in SIMATIC Manager.
Product combinations
13.3 STEP 7
Configuration Manual, 11/2016