The following types of data can be backed up:
● Data variables that are in the SRAM/NVRAM of the controller:
– Retentive global device variables
– Retentive global unit variables
– TO retain data (as of V4.1)
● Data sets which have been backed up from the user program via _saveUnitDataSet or
_exportUnitDataSet and are located on the memory card, including
– Global unit variables of interface and implementation sections from program sources
(ST, MCC or LAD/FBD sources):
Retentive variables (VAR_GLOBAL RETAIN)
Non-retentive variables (VAR_GLOBAL)
The _exportUnitDataSet function backs up unit variables in a version-independent format
By contrast, data is backed up in a version-dependent format (binary) via the _saveUnitDataSet
function and can, therefore, only be read back in on a device/unit of the same version
(e.g. V3.2) via the _loadUnitDataSet function.
Data sets saved via _saveUnitDataSet are automatically converted into XML format using the
Save variables function. The data sets are available in binary format for the new version once
the Restore variables function has been executed.
Data backed up using Save variables are saved as version-independent XML files in a user-
defined folder on the PC's hard disk.
In addition to the data backup functions provided by SIMOTION SCOUT, backup functions are
also available in the runtime system.
When performing an update with a kernel version that is ≥ V4.1, the above SIMOTION SCOUT
functions are only required for backing up and restoring unit data sets that have been created
using _saveUnitDataSet.
● Retain data remains valid after an update.
● Unit data backed up using _exportUnitDataSet also remains valid after an update.
● Retain data can also be backed up to a memory card without the use of SIMOTION SCOUT:
– The _savePersistentMemoryData function saves all retain data from the SRAM/
NVRAM; this can be retentive global unit variables in the interface or implementation
sections of a source (VAR_GLOBAL_RETAIN) or retentive global device variables
(RETAIN) and
TO retain data
(For further information, see List Manual: Device System Functions/Variables)
– The Back up diagnostic data function (triggered via a service switch/diagnostic button
or IT DIAG) saves all retain data (as above, see _savePersistentMemoryData).
Subsequently executing the Restore non-volatile data function reactivates this backed
up data.
(For further information, see the SIMOTION D Commissioning and Installation Manuals)
6.11 Saving and restoring variables from the device
Configuration Manual, 11/2016