Hardware description
3.4 IsoPROFIBUS board for SIMOTION P350-3
SIMOTION P350-3 and Panels
Manual, 05/2009
Display elements of the IsoPROFIBUS board
A two-colored LED (red/green) is located on each of the two interfaces on the IsoPROFIBUS
These elements are used to display the communication status of the two PROFIBUS DP
Table 3- 5
LEDs on the IsoPROFIBUS board
LED (color and status)
LED - Off
Interface not configured
Configuring the interface as slave:
Red LED - On
Bus fault
Searching for baud rate
Red LED - flashing (0.5 Hz)
Parameterization errors
No cyclic data exchange
Green LED - On
Cyclic data exchange
Configuring the interface as master:
Red LED - On
Bus fault
Bus short-circuit
Red LED - flashing (0.5 Hz)
Bus fault
Slaves have failed or cable broken
Green LED - On
No fault or no interface configured