Building Technologies Division
Basic documentation LMV36...
Infrastructure & Citiies Sector
7 Basic unit
25.09.2013 Gas
Valve proving via gas pressure switch-min (parameter 236 = 2)
Since gas pressure switch-min is not located between the fuel valves, the gas shortage
test cannot be made in phase 22. Therefore, when performing valve proving on startup,
the gas shortage test is made at the end of the filling time (end of phase 82). With no
valve proving on startup, the gas shortage test is made directly before safety time 1 is
started (end of phase 39).
Standard valve proving (parameter 236 = 1)
If the gas pressure is too low, startup is aborted in phase 22.
No. Parameter
Gas: Waiting time gas shortage
Fuel 1 gas: Waiting time gas shortage
If gas shortage occurs with the last of the parameterized number of start attempts, the
system initiates lockout.
No. Parameter
Repetition limit value gas pressure switch-min
1 = no repetition
2...15 = 1...14 number of repetitions
16 = constant repetition
Repetition limit value gas pressure switch-min
1 = no repetition
2...15 = 1...14 number of repetitions
16 = constant repetition
In that case, the system makes with gas shortage program a selectable number of start
attempts until lockout occurs. The waiting time from one start attempt to the next is
doubled each time, starting from an adjustable waiting time.