Building Technologies Division
Basic documentation LMV36...
Infrastructure & Citiies Sector
13 Fan control
6. Close the standardization
When standardization is successfully completed, reset parameter 641 to
If standardization was not successful, parameter 641 assumes a negative value.
The value provides information on the cause of fault:
Value Error
Timeout of standardization (VSD ramp down
time too long)
Timeout at the end of standardization during ramp down
of the VSD
Ramp time settings of the VSD are not shorter than
those of the basic unit (parameter: 523)
Storage of standardized speed not successful
Error during storage of the standardized speed
lock the basic unit, then reset it and repeat the
Line interruption
speed sensor
Basic unit receives no pulses from the speed sensor.
1. Motor does not run.
2. Speed sensor is not connected.
3. Speed sensor is not actuated by the sensor disk
(check distance).
Speed variation / VSD ramp up time too long /
speed below minimum limit for standardization
Motor has not reached a stable speed after ramp up.
1. Ramp time settings of the VSD are not shorter than
those of the basic unit (parameters 522, 523).
2. Characteristic of the VSD is not linear. Configuration
of the voltage input at the VSD must accord with that
of the basic unit (parameter 645).
3. VSD does not follow quickly enough the changes of
the basic unit. Check settings of the VSD
(input filter, slippage compensation, hiding different
Speed of VSD lies below the minimum for
standardization (650 rpm).
Wrong direction of rotation
Motor’s direction of rotation is wrong.
1. Motor turns indeed in the wrong direction
change parameterization of the direction of rotation
or interchange 2 live conductors.
2. Sensor disk is fitted the wrong way
turn the sensor disk.
-6 Unplausible
The required pulse pattern (60°, 120°, 180°) has not
been correctly identified.
1. Speed sensor does not detect all tappets of the
sensor disk
check distance
2. As the motor turns, other metal parts are detected
also, in addition to the tappets
improve mounting.
3. Electromagnetic interference on the sensor lines
check cable routing, improve EMC
-7 Invalid
The standardized speed measured does not lie in the
permissible range.
Motor turns too slowly or too fast.
Speed deviation µC1 + µC2
The speeds of microcomputer 1 and 2 deviated too
much. This can be caused by wrong standardized
speeds (e.g. after restoring a data set to a new unit)
repeat standardization and check the fuel-air ratio
Wrong phase of phase manager
Standardization was made in a wrong phase. Permitted
are only phases
controller OFF, start standardization again
Safety loop / burner flange open
Safety loop or burner flange is open
repeat standardization with safety loop closed