Continued from the previous page.
Precaution and Example of automatic conversion
Decimal point position moves in accordance with the setting change.
: When the setting of the decimal point position is changed from 0 (no decimal place) to 1 (the first
decimal place) with Input scale high (1.PGSH) set to 250 MPa:
The display will change from 250 to 250.0.
The displayed range of the controller is between
19999 and
99999 regardless of the decimal point
: When RTD input is selected for Input 2, and Input Scale Low (2.PGSL) is
200 °C, the decimal
point position is changed from 0 to 2:
(Input scale low becomes
199.99, because –200.00 is out
of the display range.)
When a number of decimal place for the set value is reduced due to the decimal point change, the set value
is rounded off to the first decimal place and will be displayed without any decimal place.
: When the decimal point position is changed from 2 (two decimal places) to 0 (no decimal place)
and Input scale high (1.PGSH) is 85.99:
(The figure is rounded off to the first decimal place,
and the Input Scale High
becomes 86.)
In the above example, if the decimal point position is changed back to 2 from 0, “1.PGSH”
becomes 86.00.