spare [-a <action>]
spare -a list [-i <SpareId>] [-d <PoolId>] [-v]
spare -a add [-i <SpareId>] -p <PdId> [-t g|d] [-r y|n] [-d <PoolId list>] [-s “<list of settings>”]
spare -a del -i <SpareId>
Spare is the command used to display all hot spare drives as well as to create and delete hot spare drives.
A Global hot spare is the most generic form. A global hot spare drive can replace any drive from a pool of equal
size or less.
A dedicated hot spare is a spare drive that has been assigned specifically to one or more pools. It is used to
replace only drives that are in these assigned pools. If a drive is marked offline that was not in one of the assigned
pools, the dedicated spare will not replace that drive. This feature can used for prioritizing pools which may have
a greater need to survive disk failures.
-a <action>
Specifies the action to perform.
(Default) Displays a list of hot spare drives.
Adds new hot spare drives.
Deletes a hot spare drive.
-i <Spare Id>
Specifies the ID of the spare drive.
-p <PD ID>
Specifies the ID of the physical drive. Requires the -a add option to
configure a drive as a spare.
i <Spare Id> The ID of the spare to list, and delete.
-p <PD ID> The ID of the physical drive. Used with -a add to configure the drive as a spare.
Managing with CLI