Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: I’m getting a PSU error on the screen. What does that mean?
A: You probably didn’t attach power to both power supply connections on the rear panel.
Double-check both AC power sources and connections.
Q: But what if I don’t want to connect both power cords?
A: Just do it. What have you got to lose (besides the pesky error message)? It isn’t that we
think a power supply will fail; it’s designed to improve overall reliability in plants with dual
power feeds to the racks.
Q: I’ve cleared the PSU error, but I’m still getting a “Control IP” or “Livewire/AES67
IP” error on the screen.
A: This generally indicates that an interface is set for DHCP and the cable is unplugged.
Double-check to ensure the interfaces are connected and that the IP address settings are
correct. If you aren’t planning to use the “Control IP” or “Livewire/AES67” Ethernet interface,
disable DHCP on that interface to clear the error message.
Q: I can’t seem to find any controls besides preset selection and IP configuration—
Where is everything?
A: Most of the configuration is done through the Remote Gateway software and not from the
front panel. You’ll need to configure the “Control IP” interface on the VOCO 8 and install the
Remote Gateway software on a PC. If you want to disconnect the unit from the network after
initial configuration, that’s fine too—but it makes life a lot easier if you leave it on the network
where a PC running Remote Gateway can control it.
Q: I connected to the unit through Remote Gateway but I’m still not finding any
controls. What gives?
A: There are three default login accounts on the VOCO 8; admin, studio, and live. The account
that grants access to the majority of the controls is “studio”. There is no default password for
this account. Admin will only allow basic configuration and rights management, and live
essentially gives the same level of access as the front panel.