A Few Words about L and AES67
What is L™ ?
L is the pioneering technology invented by the Telos Alliance to convey low-delay, high-reliability audio over
switched Ethernet.
Introduced as Livewire™ in 2003, today’s L is AES67-compliant. That means that it complies fully with the
AES67-2013 Interoperability Standard, allowing AES67 devices to connect directly to L networks and exchange
audio streams. L is also extensible, able to incorporate future AES standards when they are ratified. L is
also backward-compatible with the RAVENNA™ networking protocol.
With L, a single Ethernet cable carries real-time uncompressed digital audio, device control messages, program
associated data, and even routine network traffic. An entire facility can be wired in hours, instead of weeks. All Axia Audio
studio products, and most products from other Telos Alliance brands, utilize L networking technology. Expand-
ing or modifying your system is simple thanks to the inherent scalability and modularity of L.
L offers a revolutionary change in how studios can be built. But at the same time, it’s a natural continuation of
general trends and what you already know.