Copyright 2010-2015 Obihai Technology, Inc.
WiFi Interface
The OBi1000 supports WiFi. While the OBi 1062 has built-in WiFi hardware, the OBi1032 can connect via WiFi with an
OBiWiFi adapter connected to USB Port 1 on the back of the phone (note that you MUST NOT connect OBiWiFi to USB
Port 2). Note that VLAN and LLDP features are not available on WiFi.
IP Address Assignment
The OBi supports 2 methods of getting an IP address assigned to its WiFi interface. The method to use is controlled by
the parameter
WiFi Settings – Basic Settings
, which can have one of the following values:
: Request address assignment from a DHCP server
: Use the statically assigned IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway from the parameters
Settings – Internet Settings
, and
DNS Servers
You can specify up to two DNS servers to be used with the WiFi interface in the parameters
WiFi Settings – Internet
. Note that if the DHCP offer includes DNS Servers, OBi1000 takes up to 16
servers from the list and uses them together with the explicitly configured servers.
DHCP Options
The OBi1000 supports the following DHCP options for both networking interfaces:
The options that the phone will try to extract from DHCP offer is a comma separated list of option numbers specified in
the parameter
WAN Settings – DHCP Client Settings
. Note that the phone will not recognize any
option numbers other than the supported ones listed above. You can use the macros
, and
to refer to the values of these options in any of the
configuration parameters. For example, the default value of
Auto Provisioning – ITSP Provisioning
DNS Lookup
The DNS behavior described below applys to both network interfaces.
Lookup Order
In cases where there are multiple DNS servers available, the phone will attempt to resolve a domain name quickly by
querying as many DNS servers as necessary. A short delay can be inserted between trying each DNS server sequentially
such that the querying will stop as soon as a positive response is received from any of the servers. This desired short
delay in seconds can be configured in
WAN Settings – DNS Control
. When the delay is set to 0, all
the DNS servers are queried at the same time. And in cases where there are DNS servers obtained from DHCP and from
statically configured values, the order of querying the two groups of servers can be controlled through the parameter
WAN Settings – DNS Control
. Essentially you can choose to query the statically configured DNS
servers first, or the DHCP supplied DNS servers first.
Locally Configured DNS Lookup Table
You may define up to 30 local DNS records in the phone configuration such that the phone will search through these 30
records first before hitting the external DNS services when attempting to resolve a domain name. These records can be