Copyright 2010-2015 Obihai Technology, Inc.
There is a “Background Picture” entry under the “Preference” menu of the phone, with which the end user can browse
and select among the available background pictures (built-in and custom). Each of the three built-in “Skins” has its own
default background pictures.
End-users may upload their own background pictures by copying them from USB flash drive using the Storage Explorer
option under the phone’s Settings menu. The destination folder to copy to is /
Text Fonts Customization
Fonts are stored in the internal folder
. Custom font files can only be installed on the phone using the data
package upload method. Acceptable font file formats are TTF and OTF. In order to choose an installed font, you must
also add a font-name-to-font-file for each installed font in the “” file
that is also stored in the same folder.
“” maps the font nameto the actual font file. The set of font names listed in “” is also presented to
the user as a list of selections under “Preference/Font” in the phone GUI. On the web page the DefaultFont parameter
is just a string and should match one of the font names (not file names) listed in “”.
Below is the default contents of “” which lists all the factory-installed fonts that come with the phone.
# The left column is a font name that a user can select from
# the Preferences menu. The right column is the corresponding
# physical font file installed on the phone.
# A valid font file must either a ttf or otf file.
# You can use any number of white spaces as delimiters between the 2 columns.
aleo Aleo-Light.otf
aleo-bold Aleo-Bold.otf
aleo-italic Aleo-LightItalic.otf
aleo-bold-italic Aleo-BoldItalic.otf
banksia Banksia-Regular.otf
banksia-bold Banksia-Bold.otf
droidsans DroidSans.ttf
droidsans-bold DroidSans-Bold.ttf
libre-caslon LibreCaslonText-Regular.ttf
libre-caslon-bold LibreCaslonText-Bold.ttf
libre-caslon-italic LibreCaslonText-Italic.ttf
opensans OpenSans-Regular.ttf
opensans-bold OpenSans-Bold.ttf
opensans-italic OpenSans-Italic.ttf
opensans-bold-italic OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf
quattrocento Quattrocento-Regular.ttf
quattrocento-bold Quattrocento-Bold.ttf
terminal-dosis TerminalDosis-Regular.ttf
terminal-dosis-bold TerminalDosis-Bold.ttf
In addtiion, there are four more built-in fonts: