Copyright 2010-2015 Obihai Technology, Inc.
The digit timer should only be used either as the first element of a rule
(for a hot or warm line implementation) or as the last element of a rule
as a means of overriding the default inter-digit timer. The digit timer – S
The notation S0, S1, S2, S9 gives digit timer values of 0, 1, 2 and 9 seconds respectively; S is equivalent
to S1; S0 is the same as “blank”. You can concatenate multiple S elements together if you need more
than 9s timeout, such as S9S5 for a 14s timeout. To create a hotline to the number 1-408-890-6000
we would write:
The next two elements, (
) and (M
), imply that the OBi digit maps are
. Recursive digit maps allow digit
maps to be reused and make their specification more compact and readable. It is important that you do not specify
digit maps that lead to infinite recursion. For example,
a digit map must not include a named embedded digit map that
references itself
Embedded Digit Map
An embedded digit map contains elements within a pair of brackets – ( )
– that are used to match subsequent digits.
To match any number that starts with *74, followed by 1 or 2 digits we would write our matching rule
as follows:
Named Embedded Digit Map
A named embedded digit map is used for matching subsequent digits,
refers to one of abbreviated terminal names or a user
defined digit map label. As an example, (Msp1) refers directly to the
Digit Map contained within
Voice Services
SP1 Service
of the device
admin webpage.
Let’s consider one of the OBi’s default digit map rules that directs a call preceeded by **2 to SP2. We
want to take all the digits after **2 to be matched with SP2’s digit map. To do this we write our rule