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Digit Map Rule Examples
Here are some further examples of digit map rules:
Digit Map Rule
Match any 11-digit number
starting with 1-408
1 408 xxx xxxx
Match any 7-digit number and prepend 1408 to
the number when making the call
<1408> xxx xxxx
<:1408> xxx xxxx
Match any number that starts with 011 followed
by one or more digits
Add ‘+’ to any 11-digit number
that starts with 1
Match any number that starts with **1 020 3, 7
or 8 followed by 7 digits and remove the **1
prefix when making the call
<**1:>020 [378]xxx xxxx
Create a hotline to 1234
Create a warm line to 1234 that will be called if
the user doesn’t enter any digits within 4
Match any number with at least 8 digits
that ends with 8537683, such as
1 510 853 7683, 9 853 7683
xx.853 7683
Match any number with at least 10 digits that
ends in 408-890-6000, such as
1 408 890 6000, 001 408 890 6000, +1 408 890
@. 408 890 6000
Add a # to the end of any number
with 1 or more digits
Bar calls to premium rate numbers beginning
with 084, 087 and 09
Now we will create an example digit map using a few of the rules above. One important function of a digit map is to
determine if the user has entered sufficient digits during dialing, given the array of number combinations available, a
digit map normally contains more than one rule. To create a digit map that includes a few of the example rules in the
table, we write our digit map contained with brackets ( ) and with each rule separated by a | bar as follows:
(<1408> xxx xxxx | @. 408 890 6000 | xx.<#> | !08[47]x. | !09x.)