Copyright 2010-2015 Obihai Technology, Inc.
: the cadence segment duration in seconds
Negative value: tone plays indefinitely
No value: tone plays indefinitely
Zero value: the duration of this particular segment is zero
Positive value: Normal playback duration
: a numerical describe which frequency component(s) are used for the synthesis, and it can be one of
following 8 options (0 ~ 7)
0: No frequency specified, i.e., silent tone
1: The 1st frequency
2: The 2nd frequency
3: The 1st and 2nd frequencies
4: The 3rd frequency
5: The 1st and 3rd frequencies
6: The 2nd and 3rd frequencies
7: The 1st and 2nd frequencies if two or more than two frequency components, or the 1st frequency if only
one frequency component is available.
If no value is provided for f_0/1/2/3, it will automatically use the combination of the first one or two available
frequency components.
: the tone active time in seconds
Negative value: Not allowed
No value: infinite tone active time
Others: normal tone active time (up to 3 decimated digits)
: the tone inactive time in seconds
Negative value: Not allowed
No value: infinite tone inactive time
Others: normal tone inactive time (up to 3 decimated digits)
The above example illustrates using the first frequency to generate tone for 0.3 seconds, followed by 2.34 seconds of
silence, then use a combination of the first and second frequencies to generate tone for 2 seconds, then followed by
1.5 seconds silence. The cadence operates repeatedly for 4 seconds.
Tone Examples:
With these examples, we will show the interpretation of a few common tone patterns:
Dial Tone:
DIAL, "350-18,440-18"