Copyright 2010-2015 Obihai Technology, Inc.
Voice Services
A Voice Service, also known as a Line or Trunk, is an individual user account with an ITSP. The following voice services
can be configured on an OBi1000 IP Port:
SP1 (SIP or Google Voice)
SP2 (SIP or Google Voice)
SP3( SIP or Google Voice)
SP4 (SIP or Google Voice)
SP5 (SIP or Google Voice)
SP6 (SIP or Google Voice)
service can be a generic SIP voice service or a Google Voice service. Examples of SIP/SP service: An extension
from a PBX, a subscriber account with a service provider. Every SP service user account requires a username; a
password is often required also for authentication. The service provider assigns an extension number or DID number to
the user account; the assigned number may or may not be the same as the username of the account.
OBiTALK is a built-in service provided and managed by Obihai. It can be used for technical support as well as free
device-to-device calling among OBi devices. OBiBluetooth can be thought of as an internal service that is made
available by the user pairing/connecting to a mobile phone via Bluetooth; this Bluetooth connection serves as a
gateway for the phone to access the mobile phone service as another trunk.
More information is available about each type of voice service later in this document.
ITSP Profiles
The configuration of an SP service is divided into two parts: A Service Provider part and a Service Subscriber Part. The
Service Provider part comprises of parameters that are common to all service subscriber accounts from that service
provider. The Service Subscriber part comprises of parameters that may vary for each specific subscriber account from
the service provider.
On an OBi device, each Service Provider part is known as an ITSP Profile that has its own parameter groups. Up to 6 ITSP
Profiles can be defined in a phone configuration and are referred to as ITSP Profile A – ITSP Profile F . The Service
Subscriber part is known as an SP Service, which includes the parameter
that binds the SP
service with an ITSP Profile. By default, the
parameter for all SP services points to ITSP Profile
Suppose you want to use two different service providers with the phone and configures the settings for them in ITSP
Profile A and ITSP Profile B respectively.
A common mistake is not to set the
parameter correctly to point to the corresponding ITSP
Profile as intended.
Overview of Common Trunk Configuration
Trunks of every kind share some common characteristics. This section outlines some of them that are commonly needs
to be configured.
Service Enable
Before a trunk can be put into service, it must be enabled in the phone configuration. There is an
for each service and this parameter is checked by default.