7 Web Page Reference
7 Web Page Reference
This section describes the PTP 300 web user interface and provides instructions for
The following topics describe the menu navigation bar and main menu options:
7.1 Menu Navigation Bar
7.2 Home (System Summary)
7.3 System Status
7.4 System Administration
The following topics describe the System Administration menu options:
7.5 Configuration
7.6 Statistics
7.7 Installation Wizard
7.8 Software Upgrade
7.9 Spectrum Management
7.10 Remote Management
7.11 Diagnostics Plotter
7.12 Change Password
7.13 License Key
7.14 Properties
7.15 Reboot
The web pages are best viewed using a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768
pixels on a PC using Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6 or 7.
The web pages have also been tested with Firefox Other browsers have not
been tested.
7.1 Menu Navigation Bar
The navigation bar on the left hand side of the web page is used to move between the various
management pages. The currently selected page is always highlighted with a light blue
background. The menu is hierarchical. Selecting a menu item which has associated submenu
options will automatically display all sub options. A sample web page with the navigation
menu is shown in Figure 35.
4Gon www.4Gon.co.uk [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1245 808195 Fax: +44 (0)1245 808299