List of Tables
Table 27 – PTP 300 EMC Immunity Compliance Specifications ....................................................... 219
Table 28 – PTP 300 Environmental Specifications ............................................................................ 220
Table 29 – PTP 54300 Examples of Regulatory Limits...................................................................... 221
Table 30 – PTP 54300 Licenses and Region Codes ......................................................................... 222
Table 31 - PTP 54300 RF Specifications ........................................................................................... 225
Table 32 - PTP 54300 EMC Emissions Compliance.......................................................................... 226
Table 33 - PTP 54300 Radio Certifications ........................................................................................ 226
Table 34 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (15 MHz bandwidth) ........................... 229
Table 35 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (15 MHz bandwidth)....................... 230
Table 36 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (10 MHz bandwidth) ........................... 231
Table 37 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (10 MHz bandwidth)....................... 232
Table 38 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (5 MHz bandwidth) ............................. 233
Table 39 - PTP 54300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (5 MHz bandwidth)......................... 234
Table 40 - Allowed Antennas for Deployment in USA/Canada – 5.4 GHz......................................... 235
Table 41 – PTP 58300 Examples of Regulatory Limits...................................................................... 238
Table 42 – PTP 58300 Licenses and Region Codes ......................................................................... 240
Table 43 - PTP 58300 RF Specifications ........................................................................................... 246
Table 44 - PTP 58300 EMC Emissions Compliance.......................................................................... 247
Table 45 - PTP 58300 Radio Certifications ........................................................................................ 247
Table 46 – PTP 58300 FCC Max Transmit Power at the Edge Channels (FCC) .............................. 250
Table 47 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (15 MHz bandwidth) ........................... 251
Table 48 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (15 MHz bandwidth)....................... 252
Table 49 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (10 MHz bandwidth) ........................... 253
Table 50 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (10 MHz bandwidth)....................... 254
Table 51 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - IP Mode (5 MHz bandwidth) ............................. 255
Table 52 - PTP 58300 System Threshold Figures - TDM Mode (5 MHz bandwidth)......................... 256
Table 53 - Allowed Antennas for Deployment in USA/Canada – 5.8 GHz......................................... 257
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