6.6.4 Adjust Power Settings
The transmit power levels of the installed units must be adjusted to ensure they are not too
high. Excessive power levels may cause saturation of the receivers or false radar detection
(in radar enabled regions), leading to degradation of link performance and link failure.
To adjust power levels, follow this procedure:
1. Consult the report generated by the LINKPlanner tool and note the Transmit power
recommended levels.
2. Set the local unit power equal to the “LOCAL - Max Transmit Power setting while
pointing” value from the LINKPlanner report.
3. Set the remote unit power equal to the “REMOTE - Max Transmit Power setting while
pointing” value from the LINKPlanner report.
4. Access each unit separately.
5. Align the units.
6. Repeat Step 2 and 3 using the values “LOCAL - Max Transmit Power setting before
disarm” and “REMOTE - Max Transmit Power setting before disarm” , if different
than the corresponding “while pointing” values.
7. Reboot the local unit then reboot the remote unit.
8. Disarm the units.
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