7 Web Page Reference
The installation metric is simply the instantaneous receive power in dBm + 100.
The PDA installation tool is accessed via a hidden URL http://<ip-address>/pda.cgi. It should
be noted that this link is only available after the user has logged in as system administrator.
The large screen version of the graphical user interface is available as a submenu option of
the installation wizard.
7.8 Software Upgrade
The PTP 300 Series system has two software image banks; one is a fixed image which is
stored in protected non-volatile memory and cannot be modified by the user. The second
bank is used by the system administrator to upgrade the firmware when necessary. Figure 66
shows the main software upgrade web page.
Figure 66 - Software Upgrade
The ‘Fixed’ or ‘Recovery’ image is used by the System Administrator to:
Reset Ethernet configuration to default settings
For a full description of the Recovery image see Section 8 “Recovery Mode”.
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