Introduction
Computer
control
of
this
next
generation
amplifier
means
that
the
knobs,
dials
and
buttons
are
no
longer
needed
and
are
replaced
by
an
intuitive
software
control
interface.
Computer
control
provides
several
advantages
over
conventional
amplifiers
and
makes
the
Axoclamp
900A
amplifier
easier
to
use
and
enables
experiments
to
last
longer.
Automation
of
several
standard
tasks
becomes
possible,
such
as
adjustment
of
Pipette
Offset,
Bridge
Balance,
and
Pipette
Capacitance
Neutralization.
Oscillations
in
the
measured
signal
can
be
detected
and
suppressed
automatically,
in
less
than
ms,
based
on
user
‐
selected
settings.
Instant
switching
between
modes
can
be
automated
(I
‐
Clamp
to
or
and
back
again),
with
users
defining
the
threshold,
timing,
and
trigger
(internal
or
external)
for
mode
switching.
In
and
modes,
the
monitor
signal
used
for
tuning
can
be
displayed
on
the
computer
screen
as
well
as
on
an
oscilloscope.
Slow
current
injection
can
be
used
in
‐
Clamp
mode
to
prevent
small,
slow
drifts
in
the
membrane
voltage
that
could
end
experiments
prematurely.
The
Axoclamp
900A
Commander
interface
is
completely
independent
of
acquisition
software.
Thus,
the
Axoclamp
900A
can
be
used
with
any
data
acquisition
package.
It
is
compatible
with
Digidata
series
digitizers
(1200A
or
later)
and
(or
later)
software.
However,
telegraphing
is
only
supported
in
versions
and
higher.
Regarding
third
‐
party
software,
see
our
webpage
“Developer
Info”
for
a
detailed
Software
Development
Kit
that
describes
how
to
read
telegraph
information.
We
recognize
that
software
control
of
an
amplifier
is
an
unusual
step
forward
for
some
users.
If
computer
mouse
control
is
unsettling,
consider
the
optional
SoftPanel
device
to
control
the
Axoclamp
900A.
The
SoftPanel
is
essentially
a
hardware
extension
of
the
Axoclamp
900A
Commander
software.
Knobs
and
buttons
replace
mouse
or
keyboard
control.
For
more
information,
visit
our
web
site
or
call
Molecular
Devices
Technical
Support.
The
Axoclamp
900A
is
a
sophisticated
instrument.
Experienced
and
inexperienced
researchers
alike
are
advised
to
read
this
manual
thoroughly
and
to
familiarize
themselves
with
the
instrument.
The
following
two
chapters
provide
step
‐
by
‐
step
instructions
using
the
‐
1U
and
‐
2U
model
cells.