Master station
A station that controls the entire network. This station can perform cyclic transmission and transient
transmission with all stations. Only one master station can be used in a network.
Master/local module
The abbreviation for the QJ71GF11-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network master/local module
Network module
A generic term for the following modules:
• CC-Link IE Field Network module
• CC-Link IE Controller Network module
• Ethernet interface module
• MELSECNET/H module
• MELSECNET/10 module
Another term for the MELSEC-Q series CPU module
Another term for the MELSEC-QnA series CPU module
Another term for the MELSEC-QS series CPU module
The abbreviation for Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability. This term refers to usability of automated
Another term for the MELSEC iQ-R series CPU module
The abbreviation for JP.READ and GP.READ
The abbreviation for JP.RECV and GP.RECV
The abbreviation for Z.RECVS
Relay station
A station that includes two or more network modules. Data are passed through this station to stations on
other networks.
The abbreviation for ZP.REMFR
Remote device station
A station that exchanges I/O signals (bit data) and I/O data (word data) with another station by cyclic
transmission. This station responds to a transient transmission request from another station.
Remote head module
The abbreviation for the RJ72GF15-T2 CC-Link IE Field Network remote head module
Remote I/O station
A station that exchanges I/O signals (bit data) with the master station by cyclic transmission
Remote input (RX)
Bit data input from a slave station to the master station (For some areas in a local station, data are input in
the opposite direction.)
Remote output (RY)
Bit data output from the master station to a slave station (For some areas in a local station, data are output
in the opposite direction.)
Remote register (RWr)
Word data input from a slave station to the master station (For some areas in a local station, data are input
in the opposite direction.)
Remote register (RWw)
Word data output from the master station to a slave station (For some areas in a local station, data are
output in the opposite direction.)
The abbreviation for ZP.REMTO
The abbreviation for JP.REQ and GP.REQ
Reserved station
A station reserved for future use. This station is not actually connected, but counted as a connected station.
Process of restarting data link when a station recovers from an error
The abbreviation for JP.RIRD and GP.RIRD
The abbreviation for JP.RIWT and GP.RIWT
A process of selecting paths for communication with other networks.
CC-Link IE Field Network requires communication paths to be preset using routing parameters to
communicate with stations on different networks.
Seamless communications
Communication that allows users to access a different kind of networks without having to consider the
differences as if data were exchanged within one single network
The abbreviation for JP.SEND and GP.SEND
Slave station
A generic term for a local station, remote I/O station, remote device station, and intelligent device station
The abbreviation for JP.SREAD and GP.SREAD
Standby system CPU
A CPU module that stands by in case the control system fails in a redundant system
Submaster operating station
A station that monitors the status of a master operating station in the network where a master station and
submaster station are connected. The connected master station or submaster station works as a submaster
operating station.