6. Interpolation Functions
6.1 Positioning (Rapid Traverse)
6. Interpolation Functions
6.1 Positioning (Rapid Traverse); G00
Function and purpose
This command is accompanied by coordinate words. It positions the tool along a linear or
non-linear path from the present point as the start point to the end point which is specified by the
coordinate words.
Command format
G00 X__ Y__ Z__
__ ; (
represents additional axis)
X, Y, Z,
: Represent coordinates, and could be either absolute values or
incremental values, depending on the setting of G90/G91.
Detailed description
(1) Once this command has been issued, the G00 mode is retained until it is changed by another
G function or until the G01, G02, G03 or G33 command in the 01 group is issued. If the next
command is G00, all that is required is simply that the coordinate words be specified.
(2) In the G00 mode, the tool is always accelerated at the start point of the block and decelerated
at the end point. Having no more command pulse in the current block and the following error
status of the acceleration/deceleration paths are confirmed before advancing to the next block.
The in-position width is set with the parameters.
(3) Any G command (G72 to G89) in the 09 group is cancelled (G80) by the G00 command.
(4) The tool path can be selected from linear or non-linear.
The positioning time is the same for the linear and non-linear paths.
(a) Linear path......... : This is the same as linear interpolation (G01), and the speed is limited
by the rapid traverse rate of each axis.
(b) Non-linear path .. : The tool is positioned at the rapid traverse rate independently for each
The commands with "no value after G" will be handled as "G00".