13. Program Support Functions
13.16 High-speed Machining Mode; G05, G05.1
Detailed description
(1) The override, maximum cutting speed clamp, single block operation, dry run, manual
interruption and graphic trace and high-accuracy control mode are valid even during the
high-speed machining mode I/II.
(2) When using the high-speed machining mode II mode, set "BIT1" of the parameter "#1572
Cirorp" to "1" to eliminate the speed fluctuation at the seams of the arc and straight line or arc
and arc.
Example of program (High-speed machining mode I)
G28 X0. Y0. Z0. ;
G91 G00 X-100. Y-100. ;
G01 F10000 ;
G05 P1 ; ----- High-speed machining mode I ON
X0.1 Y0.01 ;
X0.1 Y0.02 ;
X0.1 Y0.03 ;
G05 P0 ; ----- High-speed machining mode I OFF