13. Program Support Functions
13.5 User Macro Specifications
Modal call B (for each block)
The specified user macro subprogram is called unconditionally for each command block which is
assigned between G66.1 and G67 and the subprogram is executed the specified number of times.
G66.1 L__ P__ argument ;
or G66.1 <File name> P_ argument ;
G66.1 Call
L_ Program
<File name>
File name
A file name can be specified instead of a program No.
In this case, enclose the file name with brackets <>.
(The file name can have up to 32 characters including the extension.)
Number of repetitions
Specify variable data
Detailed description
(1) In the G66.1 mode, everything except the L(O), N and G codes in the various command blocks
which are read are handled as the argument without being executed. Any G code designated
last or any N code commanded after anything except L(O) and N will function as the argument.
(2) The same applies as when G65L__ is assigned at the head of a block for all significant blocks
in the G66.1 mode.
(Example 1)
N100 G01 G90 X100. Y200. F400 R1000; in the G66.1 L1000; mode is the same
as: N100 G65 L1000 G01 G90 X100. Y200. F400 R1000;
(Note 1)
The Call is performed even in the G66.1 command block in the G66.1 mode and
the correspondence between the argument address and the variable number is
the same as for G65 (simple call).
(3) The range of the G and N command values which can be used anew as variables in the G66.1
mode is subject to the restrictions applying to values as normal NC command values.
(4) Program number L(O), sequence numbers N and modal G codes are updated as modal