3. Data Formats
3.4 Optional Block Skip
(2) When two or more "/n" codes are commanded to the head of the same block, the block is
ignored if either of the optional block skip signal corresponding to the command is ON.
N01 G90 Z3. M03 S1000;
N02 G00 X50.;
N03 G01 Z-20. F100;
N04 G00 Z3.;
/1 /3
N05 G00 X30.;
/1 /3
N06 G01 Z-20. F100;
/1 /3
N07 G00 Z3.;
N08 G00 X10.;
N09 G01 Z-20. F100;
N10 G00 Z3.;
N11 G28 X0 M05;
(a) Optional block skip 1 signal ON
(Optional block skip 2, 3 signals OFF)
N01 -> N08 -> N09 -> N10 -> N11 -> N12
(b) Optional block skip 2 signal ON
(Optional block skip 1, 3 signals OFF)
N01 -> N05 -> N06 -> N07 -> N11 -> N12
(c) Optional block skip 3 signal ON
(Optional block skip 1, 2 signals OFF)
N01 -> N02 -> N03 -> N04 -> N11 -> N12
(3) When the parameter "#1226 aux10/bit1" is "1", when two or more "/n" are commanded inside
the same block, the commands following "/n" in the block are ignored if either of the optional
block skip signal corresponding to the command is ON.
N01 G91 G28 X0.Y0.Z0.;
N02 G01 F1000;
N03 X1. /1 Y1. /2 Z1.;
N04 M30;
(a) When the optional block skip 1 signal is
ON and the optional block skip 2 signal is
OFF, "Y1. Z1." is ignored
(b) When the optional block skip 1 signal is
OFF and the optional block skip 2 signal is
ON, "Z1." is ignored.