6. Interpolation Functions
6.12 Polar Coordinate Command; G16/G15
6.12 Polar Coordinate Command; G16/G15
Function and purpose
With this function, the end point coordinate value is commanded with the polar coordinate of the
radius and angle.
Command format
G16 ;
Polar coordinate command mode ON
G15 ;
Polar coordinate command mode OFF
Detailed description
(1) The polar coordinate command is applied in the interval from turning ON to OFF of the polar
coordinate command mode.
G1x ;
G16 ;
Plane selection for polar coordinate command (G17/G18/G19)
Polar coordinate command mode ON
G9x G01 Xx1 Yy1 F2000 ;
Polar coordinate command
G9x : Center selection for polar coordinate command (G90/G91)
The workpiece coordinate system zero point is the
polar coordinate center.
The present position is the polar coordinate center.
x1 : 1st axis for the plane
The radius commanded
y1 : 2nd axis for the plane
The angle commanded
For G90/G17(X-Y plane)
Commanded position
Present position
G15 ;
Polar coordinate command mode OFF
(2) The plane selection during the polar coordinate command mode is carried out with G17, G18
and G19.
(3) The polar coordinate command is a modal. The polar coordinate command mode when the
power is turned ON is OFF (G15). Whether to initialize the modal at reset or not can be
selected with the parameter (#1210 RstGmd/bit 11) setting.
(4) During polar coordinate command mode, command the radius with the 1st axis for the
selected plane, and the angle with the 2nd axis. For example, when the X-Y plane is selected,
command the radius with the address "X", and the angle with the address "Y".
(5) For the angle, the counterclockwise direction of the selected plane is positive and the
clockwise direction is negative.
(6) The radius and angle can be commanded with both the absolute value and incremental value
(G90, G91).