Appendix 1. Program Error
Error No.
Subprogram nesting over
• A subprogram has been called 8 or more
times in succession from the subprogram.
• The program in the data server contains the
M198 command.
• The program in the IC card has been called
more than once (the program in the IC card
can be called only once at a time).
• Check the number of subprogram calls and
correct the program so that it does not exceed
8 times.
No sequence No.
At subprogram call time‚ the sequence No. set
at return from the subprogram or specified by
GOTO‚ was not set.
• Specify the sequence Nos. in the call block of
the subprogram.
No program No.
• The machining program has not been found
when the machining program is called.
• The file name of the program registered in
IC card is not corresponding to O No.
• Enter the machining program.
• Check the subprogram storage destination
• Ensure that the external device (including IC
card) that contains the file is mounted.
P235 Program
Operation was attempted for the file under
program editing.
• Execute the program again after completion
of program editing.
P240 Program
Operation was attempted for the file under
program editing.
• Check the specifications.
No variable No.
The variable No. commanded is out of the
range specified in the specifications.
• Check the specifications.
• Check the program variable No.
= not defined at vrble set
The "=" sign has not been commanded when
a variable is defined.
• Designate the "=" sign in the variable
definition of the program.
Can't use variables
An invalid variable has been specified in the
left or right side of an operation expression.
• Correct the program.
Invalid set date or time
Date or time was set earlier than current date
or time in the system variables (#3011, #3012)
when the credit system was valid.
• Date or time cannot be changed.
• Reconsider the program.
No spec: Figure rotation
Figure rotation (M98 I_J_P_H_L_) was
commanded even though there is no figure
rotation specification.
• Check the specifications.
Figure rotation overlapped
Figure rotation command was issued during
figure rotation.
• Check the machining program.
Coord rotate in fig. rotation
A coordinate rotation related command (G68,
G69) was issued during figure rotation.
• Reconsider the program.
No spec: Coordinates rotation
Even though there were no coordinate
rotation specifications, a coordinate rotation
command was issued.
• Check the specifications.