13. Program Support Functions
13.23 3-dimensional Coordinate Conversion; G68.1/G69.1
Relation with other functions
(1) Circular interpolation
Circular interpolation in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal functions according to
the coordinate value resulted by the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion. With G17, G18 and
G19 commands, circular interpolation functions normally for all the planes in which
3-dimensional coordinate conversion has been executed.
(2) Fine spline
Specify a spline axis for the movement axis after the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion.
When a movement occurs to the axis in which spline cannot be specified, spline will be in the
pause status.
(3) Reference position check
The 3-dimensional coordinate conversion is applied for the position for reference positioning
specified with G27 command in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal.
(4) Reference position return
The 3-dimensional coordinate conversion is applied for the mid-point specified with G28,
G30 command in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal. However, reference
position will be returned without the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion carried out.
(5) Tool position return
3-dimensional coordinate conversion is not carried out for the tool change position even if a
command from G30.1 to G30.6 is issued in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal.
The return order and position will be the same as machine coordinate system.
(6) Tool compensation
When executing the tool length/radius/position compensation in the 3-dimensional
coordinate conversion modal, the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion is carried out after
the compensation amount has been applied.
(7) Machine coordinate system selection
Coordinate conversion will not be carried out for the machine coordinate system even if G53
command is issued in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal.
(8) Mirror image
When issuing the mirror image command in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal,
as well as when executing the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion in the mirror image
modal, 3-dimensional coordinate conversion will be executed for the coordinate value, which
is calculated by the mirror image.
(9) User macro
When a user macro call command is issued in the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion modal,
the 3-dimensional coordinate conversion will be valid after the macro execution.