6. Interpolation Functions
6.9 Cylindrical Interpolation ; G07.1
Command format
G07.1 C__ ; (Cylindrical interpolation mode start/cancel)
: Cylinder radius value
Radius value
0: Cylindrical interpolation mode start
Radius value = 0: Cylindrical interpolation mode cancel
The above format applies when the name of the rotation axis is "C". If the name is not "C",
command the name of the rotation axis being used instead of "C".
(1) The coordinates commanded in the interval from the start to cancellation of the cylindrical
interpolation mode will be the cylindrical coordinate system.
G07.1 C Cylinder radius value;
Cylindrical interpolation mode start
(Cylindrical interpolation will start)
(The coordinate commands in this interval will be the
cylindrical coordinate system)
G07.1 C0 ;
Cylindrical interpolation mode cancel
(Cylindrical interpolation will be canceled)
(2) G107 can be used instead of G07.1.