13. Program Support Functions
13.14 Normal Line Control; G40.1/G41.1/G42.1
Type 1
Type 2
Normal line
control axis
turning speed
The normal line control axis turning speed is
the rotation speed obtained by feedrate F.
Normal line control axis turning speed f
= F
r) (degree/min)
F : Feed command speed
r : Arc radius (mm)
(Note 1)
F: Feed command speed
r: Arc radius
Normal line control axis turning speed f
The feedrate at the tool nose is the F
command. The normal line control axis
turning speed is the rotation speed that
follows this F command.
Normal line control axis turning speed f
= F
(R+r)) (degree/min)
F : Feed command speed
R : Parameter (#8041 C-rot. R) (mm)
Length from normal line control axis
center to tool nose
r : Arc radius (mm)
F: Feed command speed
R: Parameter
(#8041 C-rot. R)
r: Arc radius
Normal line control axis turning speed f
(Note 1)
If the normal line control axis turning speed exceeds the cutting feed clamp speed (#2002
clamp), the speed will be as follows;
Normal line control axis turning speed
= Cutting feed clamp speed.
Moving speed during arc interpolation
= The speed according to the normal line control axis turning speed
Automatic corner arc insertion function
During normal line control, an arc is automatically inserted into the corner in the axis movement of
the plane selection. This function is for the normal line control type I.
The radius of the arc to be inserted is set with the parameter (#8042 C-ins.R).
This parameter can be read and write using the macro variable #1901.
Normal line control is performed also during the interpolation for the arc to be inserted.
Parameter (#8042 C-ins.R)