6. Interpolation Functions
6.15 NURBS Interpolation
(1) Target axes for NURBS interpolation are 3 basic axes.
(2) Command the control point for all the axes for which NURBS interpolation is carried out in the
1st block (G06.2 block). A program error (P32) will occur if an axis which was not commanded
in the 1st block is commanded in the 2nd block or after.
(3) The first control point (G06.2 block coordinate value) should be commanded as the start point
of the NURBS curve. Thus, command so that it matches the end point of the previous block. A
program error will occur if the points do not match.
(4) The command range of the weight is 0.0001 to 99.9999. Even if the decimal point is omitted,
the value will be handled as the one with a decimal point.
If "1" is commanded, the result will be the same as "1.0". If more than 5 digits are commanded
after the decimal point, a program error (P33) will occur.
(5) The knot command cannot be omitted, and must be commanded in each block. A program
error (P33) will occur if omitted.
(6) As with knot, in the same manner as weight, up to 4 digits can be commanded after the
decimal point. Even if the decimal point is omitted, the value will be handled as the one with a
decimal point.
If "1" is commanded, the result will be the same as "1.0". If more than 5 digits are commanded
after the decimal point, a program error (P33) will occur.
(7) As with knot, command the same or greater value than the previous block. If a smaller value
than previous block is set, a program error (P551) will occur.
(8) NURBS interpolation cannot be applied during graphic check (continuous/step check).
Linear interpolation that connects the control points is applied during graphic check.
(9) NURBS interpolation mode is canceled with Reset(Reset1/Reset2/Reset&Rewind).
(10) NURBS interpolation can be commanded in only the following modes. If NURBS interpolation
is commanded in other than the following modes, the program error (P29) will occur.
Mode in which NURBS interpolation can be
G group 5
Asynchronous feed (G94)
G group 7
Tool radius compensation cancel (G40)
G group 8
Tool length compensation(G43)
Tool length compensation cancel (G44)
G group 9
Fixed cycle cancel (G80)
G group 11
Scaling cancel (G50)
G group 13
High-accuracy control 1 ON (G61.1)
Cutting mode (G64)
G group 14
User macro modal call cancel (G67)
G group 15
Normal line control cancel (G40.1)
G group 16
Programmable coordinate rotation mode OFF
/3-dimensional coordinate conversion mode OFF
G group 17
Constant surface speed control OFF (G97)
G group 18
Polar coordinate command OFF (G15)
G group 19
G command mirror image cancel (G50.1)
G group 21
Polar coordinate interpolation cancel (G13.1)
Not during the parameter coordinate rotation
Not during the mirror image by parameter setting
Not during the mirror image by external input