12. Tool Compensation Functions
12.5 Three-dimensional Tool Radius Compensation ; G40/G41,G42
(6) Program coordinate rotation
Program coordinate rotation is executed in respect to the coordinates before
three-dimensional tool radius compensation.
The plane normal line vector (I, J, K) dose not rotate.
G90 ;
G68 X0 Y0 R45. ;
N1 G41 D1 X-10. Y-20. Z-10. I-5.
J-5. K-5. ;
N2 X-30. Y-30. Z-20. ;
N3 X-50. Y-20. Z-10. ;
N4 Y0. ;
N1( 7.071, -21.213, -10.000 )
N1( 1.298, -26.986, -15.773 )
N2( 0.000, -42.426, -20.000 )
N2( -5.773, -48.199, -25.773 )
N3( -21.213, -49.497, -10.000 )
N3( -26.986, -55.270, -15.773 )
N4( -35.355, -35.355, -10.000 )
N4( -41.128, -41.128, -15.773 )
Program position after
coordinate rotation
Position after coordinate
rotation and compensation
Program path after
coordinate rotation
Path after coordinate
rotation and compensation
-50. -30.
Program path
Path after
Plane normal
line vector
Program path
Path after
Plane normal
line vector
Program path after
coordinate rotation
Path after coordinate
rotation and compensation
(7) Parameter coordinate rotation
Parameter coordinate rotation is applied on the coordinates after three-dimensional tool radius
The plane normal line vector (I, J, K) rotates.
(8) Mirror image
Mirror image is applied on the coordinates after three-dimensional tool radius compensation.
Mirror image is applied on the plane normal line vector (I, J, K).
(9) Skip
The program error (P608) will occur.
(10) Reference position check
The compensation amount will not be canceled. Thus, if this is commanded during
three-dimensional tool radius compensation, the path will be deviated by the compensation
amount, so the program error (P434) will occur.
(11) Automatic corner override
Automatic corner override is invalid during three-dimensional tool radius compensation.