12. Tool Compensation Functions
12.8 Compensation Data Input to Variable by Program; G11
12.8 Compensation Data Input to Variable by Program; G11
Function and purpose
Using G11, the compensation amount of the No. commanded as the transmission source can be
set into the arbitrary variable.
Command format
G11 P__ Q__;
Compensation data input to variable by program
: Compensation No. of transmission source
: Variable No. of transmission destination
Tool compensation
memory type
Type A
Tool compensation amount substituted
Tool length shape compensation amount Substituted
Tool length wear compensation amount
Tool radius shape compensation amount --
Type B
Tool radius wear compensation amount
Detailed description
(1) G11 command is unmodal, thus, it is valid only in the block where it is commanded.
(2) G11 must not be used with G codes other than G54 to G59, G90 or G91. If G11 is used with
unsuitable G codes, an illegal operation will result.
(3) When G11 is commanded in the same block as G22 or G23, the tool compensation data will not
be input. ("P" will be regarded as the number of repetition of subprogram call.)