6. Interpolation Functions
6.2 Linear Interpolation
6.2 Linear Interpolation; G01
Function and purpose
This command is accompanied by coordinate words and a feedrate command.
It makes the tool move (interpolate) linearly from its present position to the end point specified by
the coordinate words at the speed specified by address F. In this case, the feedrate specified by
address F always acts as a linear speed in the tool nose center advance direction.
Command format
G01 X__ Y__ Z__
__ F__ ,I__ ; (
represents additional axis)
X, Y, Z,
:Represents the coordinate value. An absolute position or
incremental position is indicated based on the state of G90/G91 at
that time.
:Feedrate (mm/min or °/min)
:In-position width. A program error occurs if a decimal point
command is issued. This is valid only in the commanded block. A
block that does not contain this address will follow the parameter
"#1193 inpos" settings.
Detailed description
(1) Once this command is issued, the mode is maintained until another G function (G00, G02, G03,
G33) in the 01 group which changes the G01 mode is issued. Therefore, if the next command
is also G01 and if the feedrate is the same, all that is required to be done is to specify the
coordinate words. If no F command is given in the first G01 command block, program error
(P62) results.
(2) The feedrate for a rotary axis is commanded by
/min (decimal point position unit). (F300 =
(3) The G functions (G70 - G89) in the 09 group are cancelled (G80) by the G01 command.