Appendix 1. Program Error
Error No.
P 37
O, N number zero
A zero has been specified for program and
sequence Nos.
• The program Nos. are designated across a
range from 1 to 99999999.
• The sequence Nos. are designated across a
range from 1 to 99999.
P 38
No spec: Add. Op block skip
"/n" has been issued even though there are no
optional block skip addition specifications.
• Check the specifications.
P 39
No specifications
• A non-specified G code was specified.
• The selected operation mode is not used.
• Check the specifications.
P 40
Pre-read block error
When tool radius compensation is executed‚
there is an error in the pre-read block and so
the interference check is disabled.
• Reconsider the program.
P 48
Restart pos return incomplete
Movement command was executed before
executing the block that is restart-searched.
• Carry out program restart again. Movement
command cannot be executed before
executing the block that is restart-searched.
P 49
Invalid restart search
• Restart search was attempted for the
3-dimensional circular interpolation.
• Restart search was attempted during the
cylindrical interpolation, polar coordinate
interpolation, and tool tip center control.
• Reconsider the program.
• Reconsider the restart search position.
P 50
No spec: Inch/Metric change
Inch/Metric changeover (G20/G21) command
was issued even though there is no
inch/metric conversion specification.
• Check the specifications.
P 60
Compensation length over
The commanded movement distance is
excessive. (Over 2
• Reconsider the axis address command.
P 61
No spec: Unidirectional posit.
Unidirectional positioning (G60) was
commanded even though there is no
unidirectional positioning specification.
• Check the specifications.
P 62
No F command
• No feed rate command has been issued.
• There is no F command in the cylindrical
interpolation or polar coordinate
interpolation immediately after the G95
mode is commanded.
• The default movement modal command at
power ON is G01. This causes the machine
to move without a G01 command if a
movement command is issued in the
program, and an alarm results. Use an F
command to specify the feed rate.
• Specify F with a thread lead command.
P 63
No spec: High-speed machining
High-speed machining cancel (G5P0) was
commanded even though there is no
high-speed machining mode specification.
• Check the specifications.
P 65
No spec: High speed mode 3
• Check the high-speed mode III specifications.