13. Program Support Functions
13.12 Macro Interrupt; ION, IOF
Interrupt type
Interrupt types 1 and 2 can be selected by the parameter "#1113 INT_2".
[Type 1]
When an interrupt signal (UIT) is input, the system immediately stops moving the tool and
interrupts dwell, then permits the interrupt program to run.
If the interrupt program contains a move or miscellaneous function (MSTB) command, the
commands in the interrupted block are lost. After the interrupt program completes, the main
program resumes operation from the block next to the interrupted one.
If the interrupt program contains no move and miscellaneous (MSTB) commands, it resumes
operation, after completion of the interrupt program, from the point in the block where the
interrupt was caused.
If an interrupt signal (UIT) is input during execution of a miscellaneous function (MSTB) command,
the NC system waits for a completion signal (FIN). The system thus executes a move or
miscellaneous function command (MSTB) in the interrupt program only after input of FIN.
[Type 2]
When an interrupt signal (UIT) is input, the interrupt program will be executed in parallel with the
executing block.
If the interrupt program contains a move or miscellaneous function (MSTB) command, the
commands in the interrupted block are completed, then, these commands will be executed.
If the interrupt program contains no move and miscellaneous function (MSTB) commands, the
interrupt program is executed without interrupting execution of the current block.
However, if the interrupt program has not ended even after the execution of the original block is
completed, the system may stop machining temporarily.