If the [Multi-interval] scale has been selected in the [Range mode] menu, the [OIML]
W&M mode cannot be selected. When [OIML] is selected, the following note appears:
W&M mode OIML not
allowed as long as Range
mode is multi interval
When used in legal-for-trade mode, no more than 3 decimal places are permissible.
If a max. value with more than 3 decimal places has been entered during calibration, the
following message appears:
Set Max failed
too many decimals for OIML
Too many decimal places when setting the maximum load (Max) in legal-for-trade mode.
Moreover, the following note appears if [OIML] has been selected:
W&M mode OIML not
allowed as with max of
more than 3 decimals.
When used in legal-for-trade mode, no more than 3 decimal places are permissible.
In the W&M mode an invalid weight without weight unit is shown.
Multiple range scale (Class III or single range scale Class I and II with variable scale interval)
The multiple range scale is a scale with two or more weighing ranges with different
maximum loads and scale intervals. There is only one load receptor, with each range
covering zero to its maximum load.
When [Range mode] = [Multiple range], the scale has up to three ranges with different
The weight display header includes the current range (R1, R2, and R3), Max, Min, and d (or
e with instruments used in legal metrology) (example: multiple range scale in range 2):
The [Range limit 1] and [Range limit 2] switch points are the range limits.
As soon as the gross weight exceeds range 1, the next highest range with the next highest
scale interval becomes valid (1->2->5->10->20->50).
When reducing the weight, the interval of the previous range is kept. When the gross
weight is ≤0.25 d of range 1, the scale is stable and not tared, the scale returns to range 1
with the corresponding scale interval.
During calibration, the multiple range function is always switched off.
7 Commissioning
Transmitter in field housing PR 5230
Minebea Intec