12 Fieldbus interface
12.1 Fieldbus interface configuration
This PR 5230 enables one or more devices to be included under a communication master
(e.g. Siemens S7 ProfiBus). One scale may be addressed over the fieldbus interface. The
data on the fieldbus are processed at intervals of 50 ms.
The interface is configured under
-[Fieldbus parameter] in the device. The
corresponding fieldbus protocol (in this case: Ethernet-IP) is displayed.
12.2 Scale protocol (8-Byte) for the "standard" application
The interface works with an 8 byte write window and an 8 byte read window. The
fieldbus exchanges its data cyclically with each slave. That means: During each cycle,
8 bytes are written and 8 bytes are read, even if data contents are unchanged.
The fieldbus protocol ensures the data transport between the fieldbus master and the
2× 8 byte data windows.
The interface protocol runs under the fieldbus and manages the access to a multitude of
different data.
The protocol described below is independent of the selected fieldbus; it is explained as
seen from the fieldbus master.
Transmitter in field housing PR 5230
12 Fieldbus interface
Minebea Intec