76-02-095 Rev.B
Page 143 of 145 Burst Size (CBS)
Where a flow has an SLA configured, the option to setup the burst size as a % of
the CBS is available to simplify configuration. Test Summary
The results of the test are displayed in the test summary display as shown below:
Metrodata FCM9002 "FCM9002" Alarms: Major
Test Summary Running Time: 0:00:02
Flow/SLA Test Results
-------------------------------- ------------------------------
Flow 1
S-VLAN - Tx Frames 35112
C-VLAN 128 Tx Bytes 2387616
Frame Size (bytes) 68 Tx Bandwidth (bps) 9499202
CIR (bps) 10000000 Rx Frames 35110
CBS (bytes) 10000 Rx Bytes 2387480
EIR (bps) - Rx Bandwidth (bps) 9498661
EBS (bytes) - Lost Frames 2
Frame Loss (%) 1.000 Frame Loss (%) 0.006
Delay (us) 100 Delay (us) 11.4
Delay Variation (us) 100 Delay Variation (us) 0.3
<Escape> - exit, other key - refresh
The running time shows the time that the test has been running for and will keep
incrementing on each refresh until the test duration is complete.
Whilst a test is in progress, the Lost Frame count includes both Lost Frames and
Frames currently in transit. While a test is running, it is likely that the lost frames
count will show a number of packets, if this is increasing it means packets are
being lost, if it stays constant then these are packets in flight.
At the completion of the test, the lost frame count truly reflects the number of
frames lost during the test. Clear Results
Before running a test, the results should be cleared.