76-02-095 Rev.B
Page 28 of 145
The FCM9002 supports multiple modes of operation with support for pushing or
popping tags. The FCM9002 supports two types of VLAN Tag, the basic IEEE
802.1q tag with Ethertype 8100, and referred to as C-Tag or Customer Tag within
this manual. A second Tag type is referred to as the Service Tag, or S-Tag
which has a configurable Ethertype with the default value of 9100.
The operating mode of the FCM9002 is defined in the traffic management section
of the Data Port Setup Menu, see section 4.5.1
3.1 C-Tag Mode
In C-Tag mode, the FCM9002 will either push an IEEE 802.1q VLAN Tag onto a
previously tagged or untagged frame, or will pass unchanged already tagged
frames. The FCM9002 capabilities in C-Tag mode are shown below:
In C-Tag mode, flows are defined as groups of C-Tag VLAN ID’s. A VLAN ID
may be in the range 1 to 4095. In the above example, there are five flows
defined as well as a management channel connection.
The user ports have the option of operating as an Access port where untagged
frames will have a C-Tag pushed on ingress, and popped on egress. This is
shown for C-TAG 128 which is pushed onto all untagged frames ingressing the