M133C Electric Power/Energy Calibrator
Operation manual
Setting the power in P Dip/Swell mode (model M133C only)
Mode is used for generation dips or swells on the output signal. All parameters can be defined
independently for all outputs (3x voltage, 3x current).
Each calibrators output (U1, U2, U3, I1, I2, I3) is displayed as a folder. The folder U1 is active
after selecting the Dip/Swell mode. Next folders are activated by repeatedly pressing „Channel“
Pressing „On/Off“ softkey disables (enables) the active output. Only enabled outputs will be
connected after pressing the „On“ button. Enabled outputs are highlighted by blue rectangle above
the output name. After the AC power on all outputs of connected phase units (channels) are
Pressing „Trigger“ button starts generation of Dip/Swell shape. Generation can be started
(triggered) also from input IN3. Dip/Swell shape is divided into five time periods. Length of these
periods can be changed. Active period is during the generation shown in the box.
Voltage (Current) amplitude is generated during period t1 after trigger
amplitude is fluently changed to Dip/Swell amplitude
Dip/Swell amplitude is generated
amplitude is fluently changed to Voltage (Current) amplitude
Voltage (Current) amplitude is generated
There are following trigger parameters in Setup menu:
Dip/Swell repetition:
One Shot
- trigger starts generation of one Dip/Swell shape
- trigger starts repeated generation of Dip/Swell shapes
Dip/Swell synchronization:
Sync Off
- Dip/Swell shape starts immediately after trigger
Sync On
- start of Dip/Swell shape is synchronized with the phase 0°
Dip/Swell ext. trigger
Input Off
- Dip/Swell can be triggered only internal (keyboard or remote control)
Input IN3
- Dip/Swell can be triggered internal or by external TTL falling edge signal applied
to input IN3
Internal multimeter is not available in P Dip/Swell mode.