Chapter 3 System Features
User Interfaces
PSAX 2300 Multiservice Media Gateway User Guide
, Issue 1
Release 9.0.0
With System Software Release 6.5.0, VPI and VCI range negotiation is sup-
ported. Release 6.5.0 also determines the operational status of the logical
port. ILMI is supported for all ATM UNI 3.0 and ATM UNI 3.1 interfaces.
The ILMI over PNNI feature supports VPI and VCI range negotiation using
automatic configuration procedures. The automatic configuration procedure
is the ability to automatically configure the following fields, found on the
ATM PNNI Interface Configuration window, based on the local VPI/VCI and
the remote VPI/VCI ranges (VPI and VCI range negotiation):
The PNNI ILMI Configuration window and PNNI ILMI Statistics window can
be accessed from the ATM PNNI Interface Configuration window. The PNNI
ILMI Configuration window is very similar to the ATM UNI ILMI Configura-
tion window. For more information on automatic configuration procedures,
see ATM Forum ILMI (Integrated Local Management Interface), 4.0, af-ilmi-
0065.000, Section 8.3.4.
Load Balancing for
Load balancing allows communications trunks connecting access and edge
switches to balance traffic between PNNI (dynamic source routing) links. In
addition to the existing parameters of path and route selection, the PSAX
devices consider the values of available bandwidth and available cell rate
associated with the interfaces. The PSAX calculates routes by using available
bandwidth within the default parameters for PNNI routing. Load balancing
between PNNI links uses available bandwidth more efficiently while
strengthening the routing function. See “Interface Type by Input/Output
Module Type” on page C-31 for Table C-7 that lists the supporting modules
for this interface.
ATM Terminal Emulation
Terminal Emulation is an application that follows an intelligent computing
device to mimic the operation of a dumb terminal for communications with a
mainframe or minicomputer. This is made possible by inserting special
printed circuit boards into the motherboard of the emulating device, and/or
special software. The 6-Port Multiserial module is the only PSAX I/O module
that supports this interface.
ATM UNI 4.0 Signaling
The ATM UNI 4.0 Signaling feature supports the mandatory functions
required by the ATM Forum UNI Signaling Specification Version 4.0, as well
as some of its optional features. ATM UNI 4.0 provides the signaling proce-
dures for dynamically establishing, maintaining, and clearing ATM connec-
tions at the ATM user-network interface. ATM UNI 4.0 applies both to public
and private UNI interfaces.