PSAX 2300 Multiservice Media Gateway User Guide
, Issue 1
Release 9.0.0
Chapter 12 Backing Up and Restoring PSAX System Files
Backing Up System Database Files
Select the Send Files command on the XMODEM/YMODEM File Trans-
fer window.
The terminal emulator displaying the PSAX system interface window
scrolls the XMODEM/YMODEM File Transfer window out of view. A
message is displayed indicating that you can cancel the transfer by press-
ing Ctrl+X several times. A second message is displayed indicating that
you must start the terminal emulator receive function.
Using the terminal emulator receive function, select one of the two pro-
tocol types: YModem, YModem-G, or XModem. Be sure to select the
same protocol as the one you selected on the PSAX system
XMODEM/YMODEM File Transfer window.
In the terminal emulator field for the location of the file, specify the drive
and the directory pathname on the computer workstation system disk
where you want to transfer (copy) the database files.
For example, specify a pathname like the following:
/directory/filename where x is the drive letter for the computer worksta-
tion system disk and directory is a name that you choose.
Be sure you enter the filename of the database file exactly so that it
matches the name you previously entered on the Multiservice Media
Gateway system XMODEM/YMODEM File Transfer window. For a list of
all PSAX system configuration file, see Table 12-4.
Select the OK or Receive command in the terminal emulator receive
function dialog box.
Repeat steps 4–8 to specify another database filename until you have
transferred all the database files to the computer workstation system
Go to the section, “Rebooting the PSAX System” on page 12-20