PSAX 2300 Multiservice Media Gateway User Guide
, Issue 1
Release 9.0.0
Upgrading PSAX System Software
Overview of This Chapter
This chapter describes how to upgrade the PSAX system software and
Before You Begin
Be sure to read the Release Note for Release 9.0.0 Controlled Introduction of the
PacketStar PSAX 4500, PSAX 2300, PSAX 1250, and PSAX 1000 Multiservice Media
Gateways before beginning the PSAX system software upgrade. If any opera-
tional considerations or constraints have been identified for upgrading to
Release 9.0.0, these issues are addressed in that document, and instructions
for special configurations and workaround procedures will provide guidance
in upgrading your PSAX system(s).
Required Tasks
This chapter provides instructions for upgrading your PacketStar PSAX system
software for Release 9.0.0. The following topics are presented:
“Saving Your Modified System Configuration” (if applicable)
“Backing Up Your Current Database Files Prior to Upgrade”
“Choosing the System Software File Transfer Method”
“Upgrading Using the File Transfer Protocol Method”
“Module LED Indicators During Booting”
“System Events During Booting”
“Verifying Successful Downloading of Module Firmware Drivers”
“Upgrading Using the XModem/YModem File Transfer Method”
“Manually Selecting I/O and Server Module Firmware Drivers” (optional)
Saving Your Modified System Configuration
For instructions on saving your modified PSAX system configuration, see
“Saving the Equipment Configuration Values and Logging Off” on page 5-84.
Backing Up Your Current Database Files Prior to Upgrade
After initially configuring your PSAX system, after every configuration
modification, and prior to PSAX system software upgrades, be sure to
back up the configuration files to a remote storage medium.