To configure a measurement using the internal shunt:
On the front panel, press
on the PA2203A), then press
Current Input > Internal
to specify which shunt you are using (2-A or 50-A).
Confirm which shunt is being used.
To ensure that you measure the intended signals, before you do this step, confirm
that the shunt in use on the rear panel matches this setting for each channel that
uses the three-pin, green connector for current input. This prevents you from
accidentally measuring a relatively small current signal that may appear on the
unused shunt.
Current Ratio
and specify the current probe's output ratio in A/A.
[Back] > Ranging > Ranging Mode
and choose Fixed or Automatic ranging. Note that
Automatic ranging choose a range such that the signal occupies approximately half the
vertical height of the signal on the display.
If you are using Fixed ranging, press
Current Range
and choose a measurement range.
Int Curr HV
softkey will become available when the channel is AC coupled and
measuring on a low, fixed range. If most of your signal is near the top of the range, you can
enable these softkeys to improve measurement resolution.
The instrument achieves this result by inserting an attenuation resistor into the signal path
and spreading the information content over more bits of the analog-to-digital converter. In
the example below, enabling HV reveals the noise on the sine wave.
Note that when you calculate measurement uncertainty, you should refer to the probe's data
sheet and add the probe's uncertainty to the measurement uncertainty of the power analyzer.
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide 45