Current Measurement Input Warnings
Current Measurement Input - Shutter Operation
A mechanical shutter is used to choose between the Internal Current Measurement ter-
minals (I2A, I50A and COM) and the External Transducer Input (IEXT). The instrument
will automatically detect whether the Internal Current Measurement terminals or the
External Transducer input is selected by sensing the position of the shutter. Be sure the
shutter is slid all the way to the appropriate end of its track when selecting between the
Internal Current Measurement terminals and the External Transducer Input to ensure the
instrument correctly senses which input is selected. Always de-energize all circuits con-
nected to measurement inputs when changing the position of the shutter.
If the shutter fails to actuate, or the instrument does not correctly sense the position of
the sensor, return the instrument for service. You can verify that the instrument cor-
rectly senses the position of the shutter by running the ‘Interactive Self Test’ found
[Utility] > Service
on the front panel interface.
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide