IEC Measurement Category II
The PA2201A Series Power Analyzer is designed to protect the user from typical overvoltage
events that occur on AC mains power circuits. When performing measurements on circuits
connected to measuring AC mains, the U+ and U- input terminals, I2A and I50A input terminals,
and IEXT input terminals may be connected to AC mains- powered circuits with voltages up to
1000 VAC rms in Measurement Category II environments as defined below.
IEC Measurement Category II includes electrical devices connected to AC mains power at an
outlet on a branch circuit. Such devices include most small appliances, test equipment, and
other devices that plug into a branch outlet or socket. The instrument may be used to make
measurements with the
U+ and U- input terminals, I2A and I50A input terminals and IEXT input terminals connected to
AC mains power in such devices, or to the branch outlet itself (up to 1000 VAC). However, the
instrument may not be used with its input terminals connected to AC mains power in
permanently installed electrical devices such as the main circuit-breaker panel, sub-panel
disconnect boxes, or permanently-wired motors. Such devices and circuits are subject to over
voltages that may exceed the instrument’s protection capabilities.
Voltage Input Warnings
Voltage Input
The Measurement Limit from U+ to U- is 1000 V ac rms, 1000 V dc, and 2000 V peak.
The Measurement Limit from U+ or U- to chassis is 1000 VAC rms or DC.
Before energizing measurement circuits, ensure the leads connecting to the voltage
measurement terminals are firmly secured and all measurement circuits are properly con-
figured. Never modify any connections to the instrument or touch any input terminal
while measurement circuits are energized.
Always use connectors and leads that are suitably rated and insulated for the maximum
voltage that could be applied to any terminal. Be sure to consider both the differential
and common mode voltages that may appear on your measurement circuit when choos-
ing appropriate cables and test leads.
Always allow adequate time for circuits being measured to fully de-energize after remov-
ing power from these circuits. Do not rely on the reported readings from the instrument
to determine whether a circuit is de-energized.
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide 13