To turn waveforms on or off
Press a channel key (
, or
) to turn the channel on or off (and to display the channel's
menu). When a channel is on, its key is illuminated. You can also turn channels on or off by
pressing the channel number in the upper left corner of the screen.
From the channel menu, press
to indicate the waveforms to display.
To adjust the vertical scale
Turn the large knob above the channel key marked to set the channel's vertical scale, which is
displayed in the status line at the top of the display. For example, in the figure below, Channel 1
is on, with vertical resolutions of 5 V, 5 A, and 20 W per division. Channel 2 is off.
The vertical scale knob changes the signal's scale in a 1-2-5 step sequence unless fine
adjustment is enabled. Push the channel's vertical scale knob (or press the channel key and
in the sidebar) to toggle between fine and coarse adjustment.
The default mode for expanding the signal when you turn the vertical scale knob is vertical
expansion about the channel's ground level; you can change this to expand about the center of
the display. To set this preference, press
[Utility] > User Options > Preferences > Expand
To adjust the vertical position
Turn the small vertical position knob ( ) to move the channel's waveform up or down on the
display. The offset value represents the difference between the vertical center of the display and
the ground level (
) icon. It also represents the signal value at the vertical center of the display
if vertical expansion is set to expand about ground (the default).
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide 47