Time Measurements
The following figure shows time measurement points.
The default lower, middle, and upper measurement thresholds are 10%, 50%, and 90% of the
way between Top and Base values.
Period and Frequency
Period is the time between the middle threshold points of two consecutive, like-polarity edges of
a complete waveform cycle; frequency is its reciprocal. A middle threshold crossing must also
travel through the lower and upper threshold levels to eliminate runt pulses. The X cursors show
the portion of the waveform being measured. The Y cursor shows the middle threshold point.
Duty Cycle
The duty cycle of a pulse train is the pulse divided by the period, expressed as a percentage. The
X cursors show the time period being measured. The Y cursor shows the middle threshold point.
Rise Time and Fall Time
The rise time of a signal is the time difference between the crossing of the lower threshold and
the crossing of the upper threshold for a rising edge; fall time is the analogous value for a falling
edge. The X cursor shows the edge being measured. For maximum measurement accuracy, set
the horizontal time/div as fast as possible while leaving the complete rising edge of the
waveform on the display. The Y cursors show the lower and upper threshold points.
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide