Measurement Basics
key lets you configure and make automatic waveform measurements. You can
display up to 10 added measurements in the Meas sidebar, which can be selected from the
sidebar menu at the right side of the display, as shown below. Added measurements appear at
the bottom of the Meas sidebar, and cursors indicating the portion of the waveform being
measured are displayed.
You can change the measurement for which cursors are displayed by touching the
measurement in the list and choosing
Track With Cursors
or by selecting the measurement in
the Cursors Menu.
Post Acquisition Processing
In addition to changing display parameters after the acquisition, you can perform all
measurements and math functions after the acquisition. Measurements and math functions will
be recalculated as you pan and zoom and turn channels on and off. As you adjust the vertical
and horizontal scale, you affect the display resolution. Because measurements and math
functions are performed on displayed data, you affect the math and measurement resolution.
Keysight IntegraVision PA2200 Series Power Analyzers Operating and Service Guide